Cycle Codes

LIVE COURSE: April 15th - May 16th

Society tells us the story that, as women, our natural cycles are a weakness.

All your life, especially as you’ve grown into the high-performer and leader you are today, you’ve felt like your hormonal ups and downs and energetic ebbs and flows have been holding you back.  Even though you’re someone who gets things done, you still feel like you just don’t have enough energy to do it all… the career, the relationship, the family, the personal growth.  You didn’t come this far in your career or other leadership roles to suddenly feel like you can’t have the impact you want, just because you’re a woman with constantly-changing hormones.

Turns out, YOU’RE not the problem! You just weren’t taught the systems to integrate your natural rhythms with your environment and your work. (None of us were!)  Once you truly learn how your cycles work, and start applying strategic systems to leverage them, you’ve just uncovered a secret (but actually very ancient) superpower.

You can unlock a completely new level of balancing all the things, performing at your BEST when it counts the MOST, and, most importantly, preventing burnout and health issues in the long-term.

You’ve been told to focus on doing more, or that it’s not realistic to do it all… leading you to sacrifice some of the things you love in the name of performance. This just leads to burnout, illness, and bitterness.

The secret code is actually doing the right things at the right time.  It’s having deep knowledge of how your body and mind work best at different times of your cycle, and leveraging that to be super-efficient and strategic.

When you do this, you have more focused energy for the things you want to do. You start to see balance unfold in your life and feel deeply supported and connected. It finally feels like you and your body are working together in synchrony, rather than in a constant battle.

You’re able to show up at work, for your children and family, and for YOURSELF, starting to enjoy your life once again. In a way that feels supportive, not draining.

The rat race you’re accustomed to transforms into a gentle, beautifully choreographed dance between you, your body, and the world.

I experienced this in my late 20s, when my body was shutting down from years of overworking in a stressful career, overtraining as an athlete, under-fueling, and trying to achieve my goals the hustle way.

I had always been praised and awarded for my ability to do it all at a high level, and be everything to everyone in my life. But inside, I was crumbling. I had developed IBS, my hair was falling out, and I was entering perimenopause in my 20s… and at that moment I knew there had to be a better way to “succeed.”

After integrating deep knowledge about my cycles, new lifestyle practices, habit systems, and mindset shifts into my life, not only did my physical body begin to heal, but I felt… free! Free to finally be myself, to pour my energy and passion into the things I love, and to live life on MY terms. This has allowed me to help so many other people, and have a FAR greater impact on the world than if I had kept trying to hustle it out.

If you’re ready to have your energy back, feel more connected to your body and its natural cycles, and have the supportive systems to fully show up for your life… this is your sign to join us for the Cycle Codes journey starting April 15th.

In just 5 weeks you’ll start to see shifts in how you view your cycles and the way you approach food, exercise, work, stress, sleep, and self-care. The long-term benefits of this work can not be understated.

This is your invitation to reclaim your birthright as a cyclical being FULLY connected to your innate feminine power.

Join soon to be a part of this amazing group.

If you're ready to join us, register HERE.

We begin April 15th.  I hope to see you there!


PLEASE NOTE:  This course is open to any person who identifies as a woman in any stage of life, who feels connected to their innate femininity, or who desires to connect more deeply to their natural cycles.

feeling betrayed by your body

Low energy and depleted

Overweight, bloated, constipated

Not confident or worthy of living life fully

Using food, alcohol, prescriptions, or escapism to numb out

Zero sex drive

Holding anxiety and stress in your body

Making unaligned decisions from a place of overwhelm

disconnected from nature

This is for you if you're ready to go from...

your body supports you and you support it

energized, like you have all the energy you need

feeling clean, strong, and healthy

empowered and confident

deeply connected to your physical body, emotions, and natural rhythms

more comfortable receiving pleasure

Lighter and freer with healthy stress management tools

centered and grounded in your aligned values and truth

in tune with the earth's natural rhythms


The Itinerary

5 weeks ~ 10 Modules  including...

5 Masterclass Sessions
5 Yoga & Movement Classes
Cycle Support Mastermind

Monday, April 15th @ 12 PM EDT - Cycle Clarity (Masterclass)
Thursday, April 18th @ 12 PM EDT - Body Connection (Yoga & Movement Class)
Monday, April 22nd @ 12 PM EDT - Nourish for your Cycle (Masterclass)
Thursday, April 25th @ 12 PM EDT - Deep Nourishment (Yoga & Movement Class)
Monday, April 29th @ 12 PM EDT - Exercise for your Cycle (Masterclass)
Thursday, May 2nd @ 12 PM EDT - Strengthen & Tone (Yoga & Movement Class)
Monday, May 6th @ 12-2 PM EDT - Lifestyle Medicine for your Cycle (Masterclass)
Thursday, May 9th @ 12 PM EDT - Pleasure and Flow (Yoga & Movement Class)
Monday, May 13th @ 12 PM EDT - Cyclical Embodiment and Healthy Habits (Masterclass)
Thursday, May 16th @ 12 PM EDT - Identity and True Self (Yoga & Movement Class)

All calls will be recorded and playback provided, so you'll never miss a session if you can't attend live.

Call schedule

Price: $300

Group chat office hours

Tuesdays 12 - 2 PM
(April 16th, April 23rd, April 30th, May 7th, May 14th)

Claim your spot

When I initially reached out to Colleen, I was in the throes of hormonal imbalance after a pregnancy loss. I was battling fatigue, depression, low motivation, mood swings, hot flashes, insomnia, and GI distress. 

After working with Colleen, the majority of the symptoms I started with feel more regulated. I went from getting 2-4 hours of sleep each night to a solid 7-8 hours. My mood improved significantly, and I felt I had more control over emotional regulation. I found more energy to incorporate more movement and exercise into my routine.

-Dakota Pelton, Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, Owner of Calico Flow

What people are saying...

Colleen’s Decode Your Cravings Workshop was SO insightful! Learning about the biological, nutritional or emotional reasons behind cravings, allowed me to take a step back and observe, identify and decide how to react to them.

-Masterclass Participant

What people are saying...

Colleen’s accessible, supportive style made the session enjoyable, enlightening and easily retainable!

–Lara Levine, Yoga Teacher, Owner of Lexington Salt Cave

What people are saying...

I was referred to Colleen by another member of my holistic health team, and I knew from the very first call with her that working together was the right fit. I went to Colleen with symptoms of hormonal imbalance, including fatigue, insomnia, GI distress, low mood, weight gain, and more. After our first few sessions, the dietary and lifestyle changes she suggested were already improving my quality of life! The support and guidance I received while working with Colleen was what made our time together so effective. She took the time to listen and hold space for me while discussing my symptoms and the effect they were having. Her authenticity and compassion aided my healing journey as much as, if not more than, the strategies and tools she offered. I would give Collen five stars, 10/10, 100% would recommend to anyone looking for a wellness coach!

-VIP Coaching Client

What people are saying...

professional Photos by Anne Helen Evans and Allison Maggard photography
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