In my signature 3-month program, you will balance your body, hormones, and lifestyle so your energy and impact is amplified and overflowing.

Holistic Health Coaching

Ask yourself the following...

  • Do you desire more energy in life to do the things you want, such as create, travel, spend time with friends and family, lean into pleasure and play, and be outside in nature?
  • Do you crave the deep connection with your body that leads to balanced hormones and feeling amazing in your skin?
  • Are you ready for a work-life balance that feel supportive and allows you to perform at a higher level in work and life?
  • Are you certain you could have a much greater impact on those you serve, if you could just eliminate the health and mindset blocks holding you back?

So many high-performing women normalize feeling exhausted, stressed, overwhelmed, and uncomfortable in their bodies every day.
It doesn't have to be that way!

Dear high-performing woman, you have so much going for you.
  • You know how to work hard and chase after your goals.
  • You already have many healthy habits that have gotten you where you are today.
  • You are the go-to person when someone else needs support.
  • You have a strong internal motivation to make changes in your life.
  • You have big dreams that will help so many people when you bring them into reality.

Yet, right now....
  • You don’t have enough time in the day to prioritize your health and the things you truly care about.
  • You feel burned out from working so hard and giving so much.
  • You’ve become dispassionate or apathetic about the things that used to matter so much.
  • Your body feels like it’s betraying you – even though you’re “doing all the right things,” you are still experiencing frustrating symptoms such as anxiety, pain, bloating, acne, period problems, weight fluctuations, brain fog, sleepless nights, chronic inflammation and stress.
  • You feel disconnected from your values and your body's natural rhythms.

REMINDER: You didn’t become the leader you are today just to be bogged down by mysterious body problems and stress.

You might not have any idea how much these symptoms and body struggles are impacting your mental and emotional (not to mention, physical) performance.

Just think… How much more impactful could you be in the world if your body and mind were both functioning optimally?

It turns out, you can unlock your next level of energy, impact, and performance by healing your body and creating a balanced lifestyle.

And it’s easier than you might think.

The reason you haven’t unlocked this yet is because you haven’t found the unique combination of practices, mindsets, and lifestyle shifts that will take you from overwhelmed with life to overflowing with vibrant energy.

When we work together, it's not a one-sized-fits all approach or cookie-cutter advice.  Together, we truly get to the bottom of what's making you sick and what will allow you to heal.  And we create the perfect strategies and systems to support you in coming back to your most vibrant, authentic, and energetic self.

Just like my client, C, who, after just a few weeks into working with me, rediscovered her identity as a runner, started training for an ultramarathon, and landed a new job while simultaneously healing her hormone imbalances.

Or my client, Sara, who shared the following: “Productivity has taken on a new meaning in my life, thanks to the personalized strategies and encouragement provided by Colleen. The subtle shifts in mindset and habits she suggested have translated into tangible, positive changes. I now approach tasks with a renewed sense of purpose and efficiency.”

You know, deep down, how much more you could offer to those you serve, if you could just unlock that next level of energy.  You can also see yourself having more time to actually ENJOY this beautiful life you’re living, to nourish yourself, to witness your dreams coming true, and to luxuriate in pleasure, play, quality time, and creativity.

If you’re done overworking yourself and battling against your body, and you’re ready to experience more physical and mental energy, improve balance in your life, and shine your beautiful light more brightly into the world… My signature coaching program is the answer.

Common outcomes of working with me include
  • Happier Hormones
  • Relief from Symptoms of Imbalance
  • More Energy
  • Improved Athletic & Work Performance
  • Increased self-confidence and body image
  • Less fear and frustration around food and exercise
  • Improved digestion and weight management
  • Better ability to manage and bounce back from stress
  • Stronger sense of purpose and fulfillment
  • Feeling empowered and confident around your goals
  • Decreased chance of injury and burnout
  • More ease, pleasure, and joy on a daily basis

3 months to greater energy, balance, and impact

What's included

  • 12 weeks of 60-minute transformational coaching sessions
  • Lifestyle and Hormone Assessments to target areas for optimal healing
  • Personalized Wellness Plan
  • Accountability check-ins multiple times per week
  • Text support and coaching
  • Opening and Closing Celebration Ceremonies
  • VIP Client Membership Portal
  • Huge VIP discounts on other in-house offerings

$700 / month for 3 months


plus tax and processing

What clients are saying...

I’ve been through therapist after therapist for trauma, body image, family issues, etc., and nothing has helped me like coaching with Colleen has. Focusing on routine, nutrition, movement and my values has enriched my life to a point where I feel more myself and more whole each day. I looked forward to every session and left each session feeling encouraged and refreshed rather than upset and drained. The difference I saw in myself in just 3 months made me so proud and happy that my friends and family noticed it too. I will carry the work I put in and lessons I learned with Colleen for the rest of my life

- Peyton P.

Embarking on this recent journey with Colleen has been nothing short of life-altering. From the very first session, she created a warm, supportive space that allowed me to explore and understand myself on a profound level. Her guidance has been instrumental in helping me find grace with myself, a sense of peace that was once missing in my life.

Productivity has taken on a new meaning in my life, thanks to the personalized strategies and encouragement provided by Colleen. The subtle shifts in mindset and habits she suggested have translated into tangible, positive changes. I now approach tasks with a renewed sense of purpose and efficiency.

Colleen helped me envision what and who I wanted to be and guided me through the steps to get there and stay there.

I wholeheartedly recommend Colleen to anyone seeking a genuine, transformative experience. Her unique blend of empathy, wisdom, and practical guidance has been the catalyst for positive change in my life. I am immensely grateful for the personal growth, self-discovery, and newfound sense of gratitude this journey has brought into my life. I now know how to better navigate my life to be the highest self I can be and Colleen helped me discover what works best for me. I highly recommend Colleen’s 3-month VIP life coaching program to anyone looking for a customized, positive, guided push to a healthier, happier, and high-performing lifestyle.

- Sara E.

After working with Colleen, the majority of the symptoms I started with feel more regulated. I went from getting 2-4 hours of sleep each night to a solid 7-8 hours. My mood improved significantly, and I felt I had more control over emotional regulation. I found more energy to incorporate more movement and exercise into my routine.

I think more than anything, our work together made me feel more in control of my own body.

 I went to Colleen with symptoms of hormonal imbalance, including fatigue, insomnia, GI distress, low mood, weight gain, and more. After our first few sessions, the dietary and lifestyle changes she suggested were already improving my quality of life! The support and guidance I received while working with Colleen was what made our time together so effective. She took the time to listen and hold space for me while discussing my symptoms and the effect they were having. Her authenticity and compassion aided my healing journey as much as, if not more than, the strategies and tools she offered. I would give Collen five stars, 10/10, 100% would recommend to anyone looking for a wellness coach!

- Dakota T,

I came to Colleen because I felt like she could help me get out of my cycle of dieting and failing while feeling worse about life in general. Through our weekly meetings, she helped break down bigger goals into smaller daily habits that felt easy to incorporate. She was supportive and encouraging and pointed out several things that I would have glossed over and not even realized were issues. After the months working together, I saw positive changes in my mood, sleep patterns, diet, and attitude in general. I will take those tools forward and keep working towards the goals she helped me to highlight and begin.

I’m so grateful for our time together!

- Rachel R.

Colleen exudes an energy that draws people in, and her positivity is infectious. I knew that kind of pep would be important in a coach and she delivered. Within a couple of weeks I was already feeling more confident and at peace. Colleen’s encouragement was much needed and appreciated—she does push you to take big leaps, but is a wonderful advocate throughout the process. Whether it was booking a much needed and long delayed post Covid trip outside the country, or going after the MBA program I had been eyeing for years, she cheered me on all the way. Proud to say I did the first and am about to finish year one of school! Beyond these goals, we also met my main one which was to improve my self esteem and restore a sense of balance and peace in how I am living and honor the choices I am making. I think this program will be helpful if you are ready to make the changes—Colleen will walk the mile with you.

- Jillian H.

I initially was interested in working with Colleen because of our previous experience together of her coaching me at Centre College for swimming. I felt comfortable coming to Colleen with any problems I had because of how comfortable she made me during that transformational period in my life. Coming back into a coaching relationship with her certainly exceeded my expectations for what I could get out of the experience. I knew that I wanted her help finding a workout routine as former college athlete, however, by the end of the 3 months I had received far more than what I bargained for. Not only did Colleen help me formulate a workout plan that has made me comfortable in my body, she also helped me transform my mindset about work and productivity. I feel much more capable of doing the things I need to do to take care of my physical, mental, and emotional well-being. She provided me with tools and strategies that I can carry forward into my school and work life.

I would recommend Colleen to other potential clients because she truly takes the time to get to know you as an individual. This attention to detail and personal touch ensures that the advice and coaching she provides will fit into your life and schedule. I am very thankful to have had this new coaching experience with Colleen where she has helped me grow into my higher self.

- Connor F.

professional Photos by Anne Helen Evans and Allison Maggard photography
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